大道芸/street performance

ギャラリー(3枚の写真です)/a gallery of 3 photos
大道芸人GEN(ジェン)さんの素晴らしいパフォーマンスです。/A wonderful show by street performer GEN.20140924-performance-1-2 20140924-performance-2-2 20140924-performance-3-2*By clicking on the image(s) you can see the larger version(s).
※画像をクリックすると大きく見れます。 🙂

T Ibara Photo

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Day 11 In Pursuit of Love

My parent's tree


“… I love you, much much,” by Don O’Brien Sr.

This quote is the last line from a saying my dad said to me every night until he died December 25, 1966. I was six. Fast forward about 40 years, I stood  in a hospital cafeteria on Christmas morning. My mom had been raced into surgery for her heart — unfortunately another surgery in a string of surgeries. Things didn’t look good. But I have low blood sugar and skipping breakfast would mean passing out. So that is how my (step) dad and I ended up the cafeteria to be able to tell this story of altruism. (Thankfully, my mom survived.)

The first altruistic act was from the server to me. He heard me tell my dad of my blood sugar issues and piled my plate very high with eggs. It was the only way this stranger could help me and I still remember his thoughtfulness.

christamasThe second was from me to two other men. As I paid for our food — a much older man and a much younger man got in line to pay for their food. I told the cashier to put their orders on my bill. The younger man looked surprised but thanked me and moved on. The older gentlemen — well let’s say the conversation went something like this: “What? What do you mean? Who did that? Why would someone do that?” I smiled at the gentlemen and said, “Because it’s Christmas.” He got very quiet for a moment, “It’s Christmas? It is. It’s Christmas.” I replied, “Yeah and we’re here instead of home. So this is the only gift I have to give on Christmas morning.” The man teared-up, thanked me and went and sat down.

I chose this story because my act of altruism started with the young man serving me which reminded me to serve others. I also chose it so that I would remember not all people are able to receive love in the same way, but that doesn’t mean I should stop giving it.



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Thank You Card

I try to do considerate things like giving people heading for the ticket machine my car park ticket if it has plenty of time left on it, buying the Big Issue, donating to charity shops, letting people in a rush go ahead of me in a queue, that kind of thing.  All of those things though have one thing in common.  The people on the receiving end can see me, and they usually thank me with a smile, and that makes me feel good.  My acts of kindness are thus not entirely altruistic – I get pleasure from cheering someone up plus my ego gets a bit of a stroke.  Next month’s topic on the Artists4Peace Blog is “Random Acts of Art and Kindness“.  When I saw this I decided to do something different.  I wrote an anonymous thank you card to someone whom I had only spent a few minutes with.  This is what I wrote:
Peacock decorative vase Louis Comfort Tiffany

When dealing with officialdom it is refreshing to come across a worker like yourself: someone pleasant and helpful who does what they say they will promptly and carefully.  You brightened my day so I wanted to brighten yours.  I hope this works.

Best wishes from a satisfied “customer”.

I wrote it on a nice card which had a picture of a stained glass panel by Tiffany.  (I’ve been a Tiffany fan ever since I saw the collection in the Haworth Art Gallery, U.K. as a child.  I went back a few years ago with my mother and daughter, and we had a lovely time.)  Now that it’s been a while since I sent it, I find that I’m worried about it.  Did she like it or did she think it was creepy?  I have no idea.  I can’t look in her eyes and know that I made a difference.  I’m not sorry I did it but I’ve found it to be a whole different experience from usual.  I expected that I wouldn’t feel so good but I didn’t expect to be worried.

Maybe my ego wants me to publish this for some more ego-stroking so please don’t say anything nice!  Feel free NOT to comment on this one!  I’m posting it a) because I found it interesting and b) because I want to make sure I have something to submit to the Artists4Peace blog (my muse is sleeping at the moment).  🙂


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My Message in a Bottle

To whomever finds my message:

I have filled this bottle with Love, Peace, Patience, Compassion, Empathy, Gratitude, Beauty, Forgiveness and Kindness.

I believe that when we sow the seed of these ideas with words and plant them in the soil of life and add water and sunlight, we can grow Peace.  Peace is the trunk of the Tree of Life.

If, every day, every person performed one Peaceful act, shared beauty with one other person, shared forgiveness with one who needs it, then we would have the beginnings of the Peace we need.

Every day that you touch someone else with kindness, with compassion and peace, you make an imprint on their heart and on their soul that will gradual help them find their way to a life lived in peaceful harmony with everyone in the world.

This could erase racism, sexism, ageism, all forms of bigotry and the violence that comes from it.

There are people who are haters, and bullies.  These people need our kindness and empathy perhaps more than other people, because bullying comes from insecurity and troubled minds and the inability to know how to be kind.

Statistically, 97% of American families are dysfunctional to some degree.  But what I know and have experienced is that with self-compassion, self-understanding, self-love, everyone can learn to grow beyond what traumatized or hurt them, and continue on their way to a life filled with kindness and peace.

You may know someone who has had a very difficult life, and you can make a difference in their life by living your peace, your empathy, your forgiveness, your gratitude, and they can learn from your example and from living within the light of your being.

After a while, someone who carries darkness and hatred and negativity and violence within themselves can be changed by the daily dose of gratitude, love, acceptance, peace, empathy, and kindness that touches their heart and soul even if they don’t want it to.  These gifts are much stronger than the negativity within any soul.

Please open my bottle and spread the contents around.  You won’t be sorry.

May peace fill all of your lives.







Bottle floating on the Ocean. Charcoal drawing by Barbara Mattio Copyright 2009




November 15th~ Artists 4 Peace Random Acts of Art and Kindness


Today is Monthly scheduled post number 4!  Artists 4 Peace Random Acts of Art and Kindness

Thanks to those who submitted.  I know this is a busy time of year so your continued participation is appreciated.  🙂 



Don’t forget to send in your submissions for December!


Artists 4 Peace  Celebrations of Peace

We are looking for art. photography, essays, poetry…anything at all that focuses on love, peace and joy in celebrations.  Think Holidays, Birthdays, Weddings…

Submission Deadline December 1st
Selected Entries will be posted December 15th


Feel free to send in any other Peace related art at any time for consideration to be posted throughout the month. Remember just blog as you normally would and then email a link to your post to artists4peaceproject@gmail.com for consideration!



Thank you!


Gigi and Melanie


Thank you all


The 15th was our 3rd Monthly scheduled post!  Artists 4 Peace Against Violence

Thank you to all for your wonderful submissions.

I hope you had a chance to read/view them all…if not, I encourage you to go back and take a look.



Don’t forget to send in your submissions for November!


Artists 4 Peace Random Acts of Art and Kindness

Submission Deadline November 1st
Selected Entries will be posted November 15th


Feel free to send in any other Peace related art at any time for consideration to be posted throughout the month. Remember just blog as you normally would and then email a link to your post to artists4peaceproject@gmail.com for consideration!

Personal Note from Melanie:

Sorry I’ve been absent from comments and slow to reply to emails.  I am out of town for a bit longer.

Keep emailing in your general submissions and monthly topic submissions but please know I will be a little while getting back to you.:)

Fill up my inbox at artists4peaceproject@gmail.com for my return!



Time to announce the next topic!!


Artists 4 Peace  Celebrations of Peace

We are looking for art. photography, essays, poetry…anything at all that focuses on love, peace and joy in celebrations.  Think Holidays, Birthdays, Weddings…

Submission Deadline December 1st
Selected Entries will be posted December 15th



Thank you!


Gigi and Melanie